Felix Berezin
His mother, Esfir Rabinovici, was born in Chisinäu. Felix Berezin left a signifi- cant imprint in some previous fields of mathematics and physics: group representation
theory, spectral theory of operators, quantum mechanics, statistical physics, construc- tive quantum field theory, but he laid the fundamentals for a number ofnew concepts,
methods and theories.
Among them - a general approach to the problem of quantification, the con- struction of the secondary formalism of quantification in terms of functional integra-
tion, which then surpassed the so-called character calculation (a certain precursor of the theory of pseudo-differential operators), and finally (and was the most important) the theory of supersymmetries and supramanifolds is what is called supermathematics in everyday life in mathematics.
The first construction, the Berezin integral toward the anticommutable vari- ables, is still the most impressive in the new theory, the most complex and incompre- hensible in essence, although simple in formulation. Closely related to this construc- tion is another, which was also discovered by Felix Berezin and now has his name - Berezinian (an analogue of the Jacobite). Berezin analyzed the key case when al variables are odd. In this work, the first problem was formulated as follows: to build Lie supergroups as a whole and not formally. Two yearslater, hemanaged to do it.