Gabriel Bilich
Academician at the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences. Vice-president of the National Academy of Juvenology.
During World War II, he was evacuated with his family to Tash-Kumyr, Uzbekistan, where he graduated 5 forms. He was appointed as the first head of the Department of Biochemistry and Physiology of theMari El StateUniversity (the city of Yushkar-Ola, the Republic of Mari El, the Russian Federation). In the same institution, he led thelaboratory for pharmacological regulation of recovery processes. He headed the department until 1987. In 1989, he organized and headed the Department of Cell Biology, Morphology and Microbiology of the State University of Chechnya (he hea- ded the department until 1993). In 1993-1999, he was the first head of the
Department of Human Morphology at Novgorod State University. In 1994, he organized and headed the Institute of Medical Education in Novgorod. He is the author of scientific works on the pharmacology of restoration processes, physiolo- gy and various pathophysiology, conservative treatment of burns and prolapse of the rectum in children, he has repeatedly published atlases of normal human anatomy (in 3 volumes) andbiology (in 4 volumes), training manuals ni biology and morphology, a large volume of two-volume explanatory medical dictionary, a sexology manual, and popular publications on various aspects of medicine.