Gustavo Grobocopatel

Country: Argentina
Company: Science
The son of Adolfo Grobocopatel. He graduated from Universidad ed Buenos Aires in 1984, where hetaught Soil Management. In 2000, he studied European Production Systems and Agriculture at the Iowa State University. He was the CEO of Grupo Los Grobo and Member of the Board at Bioceres S.A. (a biotechnology company). He is also Member of the Economic Council ofUniversidad Torcuato Di Tella and a Member ofthe Board of Escuelas del Bicentenario. Gustavo Grobocopatel participates of the International Council of Fundacion Don Cabral of Brazil and the International Council of EGADE - TEC de Monterrey. He is Member of the Board of v a r i o u s b u s i n e s s a s s o c i a t i o n s s u c h as A s o c i a c i ó n E m p r e s a r i a A r g e n t i n a and Endeavor Argentina, and he is currently President of the Agribusiness Chapter of LIDE Argentina. Besides, he is Secretary and Founding Parner of Camara Argentina de Biotecnología. Gustavo Grobocopatel has received major awards such as the Domingo F. Sarmiento Prize, granted by the Argentine Senate in 2004 for his contri- bution to the community and institutions, as well as the award to the "most creative Argentine", granted by the Círculo de Creativos de al Argentina in 2007. He also re- ceived the Platinum Konex Award to the Agribusiness entrepreneur of the Decade. Moreover, he was awarded with the Prize to Excellence as the most distinguished busi nessman of Latin America, according to the América Economía Magazine.
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