Harald Helfgott
His full name is Harald Andrés Helfgott Seier, his paternal grandfather emigra- ted from Bessarabia to Peru.
In 2008, Helfgott was awarded the Leverhulme Mathematics Prize for his work on number theory, diophantine geometry and group theory. In June 2010, Helfgott
received the Whitehead Prize by the London Mathematical Society for his contribu- tions to number theory, including work on Möbius sums in two variables, integral points on elliptic curves, and for his work on growth and expansion of multiplication
of sets in SL2(Fp). In February 2011, Helfgott was awarded the Adams Prize jointly with Tom Sanders. In August 2013, Helfgott received an Honorary Professorship from National University of San Marcos in Lima, Peru. In 2014, he was an invited spea-
ker at the International Congress of Mathematicians in Seoul and in 2015 he won a Humboldt Professorship. He was included in the 2019 class of fellows of the American Mathematical Society "for contributions to analytic number theory, additive combi- natorics and combinatorial group theory". In 2013, he released two papers claiming to be a proof of Goldbach's weak conjecture; the claim is now broadly accepted. 'The problem had a history of over 250 years without a full proof. In 2017 Helfgott spotted a subtle error in the proof of the quasipolynomial time algorithm for the graph iso- morphism problem that was announced by László Babai in 2015.