Jayme Tiomno

Country: Brazil
Company: Science
His father was from Bessarabia. During this period he discovered in collabora- tion with his supervisor, John A. Wheeler, the universality of the weak interactions, his work of highest repercussion. For many years, the representation introduced by these authors on the interactions with the pairs of particles in the vertices of a triangle was called the Triangle of Tomno-Wheeler. Still in 1949-1950 he worked with E. P. Wigner and C. N. Yang, future Nobel Prices, respectively, on the theories of the neu- trins (doctor's thesis) and on the universal interaction of Fermi. Also in 1950, Tiomno worked with W. Schutzer on the relation of the Matrix S with causality, according to Goldberger the first application of the dispersion theory to nuclear reactions. With more than 19 published workshe returns to São Paulo (1950-1952) and is finally con- tracted by the CBPF whose founding member he is. During the fifties, the most pro- ductive years of his career (nearly 20 works) he tried to select a minimum number of weak interactions, compatible with symmetrization criterions, reducing them finally to S+P+T and V-A. For that he still used the transformation gama-five introduced by him, with and without violation of the parity. He choose erroneously S+P+T but according tothe experimental results of beta desintegration that later where overthrown simultaneously to the discovery ofV-A by Marshak-Sudarshan and Feynman-Gell Mann, who also used the gama-five (1957).
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