Leonid Rozenshtraukh

Country: Ukraine
Company: Science
Both parents came from the city of Briceni in Bessarabia. His father Simha Rosenshtrauh died in the ghetto. Her mother, Cecilia, was the chairman of the Chisinäu branch of the world Zionist women's organization WIZO. The main scientific works are dedicated to the problems ofX-ray diagnosis of thoracic diseases and gastrointestinal tract. In 1963, together with .L Ponomarev, he developed pneumosubmandibulography (a method for X-ray examination ofthe sub- mandibular salivary gland). Together with .L A. Ender, he developed a new method of mediastinography - the parasternal access (method) of the Rosensthrauh - Ender - a method of intro- ducing gas into the mediastinum with targeted mediastinography by puncturing the intercostal space with the needle directed behind the sternum. The radiological symptom described by .L S. Rosenstrauch for the diagnosis of bronchogenic cysts is also known - the so-called "Rosenshtrauh svmptom": the sub- sidence of the calcareous masses at the bottom of the cyst forms a crescent-shaped darkening on radiographs. .L Rosenshtrauh also developed a method for X-ray examination of the small intestine using fractional (portioned) ingestion of the cooled barium suspension ('Rosenshtrauh technique").
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