Oleg Grinbaum

Country: Russia
Company: Science
He graduated the Leningrad Polytechnic Institute, specializing in Technical Cybernetics, in 1973. In 1989, he defended his doctoral thesis, with the theme - Automatic Text Structuring (based on artistic prose). Since 1991, he has been a senior lecturer at S.t Petersburg State University, and since 2002, he has been a professor. The main fields of research: mathematical linguistics, mathematical theory of harmony, metrology of art, Pushkin, the principle of the "golden section". Oleg Grinbaum's work laid the foundations of aesthetic and formal prosody - a new direc- tion in the study of classical Russian verse. This research field isbased on theharmonic philosophical and phenomenological principles of poetic self-training thinking. The instrument of formal analvsis of the verse science in this approach is the law of the "golden section" and the Fibonacci numerical string. This line of research allows to combine the rigor of mathematical analysis with traditional literary methods and techniques, which in fact implement the idea of "checking the algebraic harmony" of the poetic text. O. Grinbaum introduces and uses the concept of rhythm, which is based o n the ratio of important elements in the speech flow (in the Russian verse - accented and unaccented syllables), which allows to unify the concept of rhythm for the real sciences and humanities. Visiting Professor at Vilnius, Wroclaw, Petrozavodsk and Udmurtia State University.
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