Shimon Levit

Country: Israel
Company: Science
Research interes: 1. From Waves to Rays- understanding the connection be- tween the waves and rays description of light and other types of wave phenomena. Using this to enrich the teaching of the standard high school topicslike refraction-re- flection and lensto bring the students to understand modern concepts like fiber optics and lasers. .2 From waves to photons - developing the physical and intuitive under- standing of the description of the standard wave phenomena like refraction-reflection or interference in the language of photons. In depth discussion of the black body ra- diation, the ultra-violet catastrophe and how the Plank-Einstein photonic hypothesis solved it. .3 From Waves to Rays to Classical Trajectories and Back to Quantum Waves - developing and using the understanding of the relation between waves and rays to "derive" the quantum mechanical description starting with classical trajectories. 4. Why and How Physics Uses Vectors and Why Einstein's Relativity "turned" our world from three to four dimensional. Was interested in photonic crystals and the use of methods of quantum scatte- ring to describe resonance scattering of photonic slabs: Optical Feshbach resonances close to the continuum of radiating modes. Resonance scattering off and inside 2 and 3 dim photonic crystal slab. His Lippmann-Schwinger approachshould be able to pro- vide satisfactory treatment of this.
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