Vladimir Retakh
During his studies at the Moscow Pedagogical Institute (1965-1970) he aten- ded Gelfand's seminar (with which, since 1988, he published more than 30 scientific articles). He defended his dissertation of candidate of physical and mathematical sci- ences in 1973 under the guidance of D. Raikov. He worked as a senior researcher at the Central Research Institute of Industrial Engineering of the USSR Gosstroy (1973- 1988), head of a department at the Institute for System Analysis of the Russian Academy of Sciences (1991-1993). In 1993 he moved to the United States, since 2002 - professor at Rutgers University (New Jersey). Major works in the field of combina- torics and non-commutative algebras, differential equations, homological algebra and
topology. In a series of joint works of the 1990s with Israel Gelfand proposed the use of quasi-determinants as one of the main tools of non-commutative algebra as ana- logs of determinants in commutative linear algebra. Editorial experience: Member, Editorial Board, Selecta Mathematica (2001-present); Field Editor, Discrete Mathematics and Theoretical Computer Science (electronic journal) (2000 - pre-
sent); Member, Editorial Board, .J of Nonlinear Math Physics (1998- 2001); Reviewer: Advances in Math., Duke Math. J, .J of Pure Appl. Algebra, Intern. Math. Res. Notes, Linear algebra and Applications; Co-Organizer, Conference "Unity of Mathematics", Harvard - MIT - Rutgers, 08/31-09/04, Boston, 2003.