Emanuel Gamoran

Country: USA
Company: Education
He was taken to the U.S. in 1907. From 1917 to 1921 Gamoran was associated with the New York Bureau of Jewish Education, becoming in 1923 the educational director of the Commission of Jewish Education of the Union of American Hebrew Congregations, a post he held until his death. He was also president of the National Council for Jewish Education in 1927- 1928. Under Gamoran's direction, the Reform Commission on Jewish Education pro- duced numerous textbooks and curricula for its affiliated schools, and pioneered the use of audiovisual aids in Jewish education. Gamoran wrote Changing Conceptions in Jewish Education (1924) as well as graded textbooks for Jewish schools and many articles on lewish education. A pioneer in the field of Jewish education, Dr. Gamoran was responsible for re- volutionizing the curricula and techniques of Jewish education. His innovations set the pattern for religious school educational approaches in Reform Jewish congrega- tions of the Western hemisphere. At the time of his death, Dr. Gamoran was edu- cational advisor to the Commission on Jewish Education, a joint body representing the Central Conference of American Rabbis and the Union of American Hebrew Congregation, central congregational body of Reform Judaism. Adviser to Union of American Hebrew Congregations - Author and Lecturer Led Extension Schools.
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