Mark Liberzon
Membership: Full member of the International Informatization Academy, Russian Engineering Academy (Vice President), Russian Space Academy, Moscow Mathematical Society, American Mathematical Society, GAMM (Gesellshaft fur
Angewandte Mathematik und Mechanic), EUROMECH, AIAA, Charter Member of the Order of International Fellowship (Cambridge, England).
Awards: Honored Scientist of the Russian Federation, Prize of the President of the Russian Federation, International Engineering Academy's Gold Medal, Federal Russian Award and Medal "For International Collaboration in Space Exploration", several International and Russian Prizes and Diplomas.
Public Activities: Founder and President of the International Trustee Fund
of the Moscow State Aviation Technological University; President of Jury of the
International Math & Phys Competition for Children (annual); Organizer and Chairman of Executive Committee of the International Aerospace Congress;
Organizer of the International UNESCO Conference of Engineering Education (bi- annual); Organizer of the US-Russia Investment Symposium; Organizer of the World Russian Forum (annual), Founder and Vice President of the Council of Russian
Academies. Research Directions: Dynamical Systems, Control Theory, Ordinary Differential Equations, Oscillation Theory - stability, modeling, applications.