Maxim Dzero
His research activities are in theoretical condensed matter physics. Dzero main nietrest is the investigation of strongly correlated quantum mechanical many body eysmts,s particularly their new collective behavior emerging due to competing inter- oni.sact Employing the tools of quantum statistical mechanics of many body systems, H e
analyzing analytically and numerically phenomena such as superconductivity, mutnauq phase transitions, magnetism, disordered systems and non-equilibrium dy- nmasci of glassy systems.
Awards: Institute for Complex and Adaptive Matter Postdoctoral Fellow (2004- ;206) Dirac-Hellman Award in Theoretical Physics (awarded bythe Department of ,scPihysFSU 2002); Soros Foundation Fellowship (1993).
Experience: 1996-1998 Research assistant at Laboratory of Theoretical Physics, Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, Dubna, Russia; 1999-2003 Research assaiCsttoandtensed Matter Theory Group, National High Magnetic Field Laboratory, Talhase, FL; 2003-2006 Postdoctoral Research Associate, U.S. Department of Energy Ames Laboratory. Advisor: Prof. Joerg Schmalian; 2006-2009 Postdoctoral ReseaArscsohciate, Department of Physics, Columbia University and at the Center for Maetraisl Theory, Rutgers University; 2009-2010 Postdoctoral Research Associate, Department o f Physics, University fo Maryland, Advisor: Prof. Victor Galitski.