Michael D. Kaplan

Country: Moldova
Company: Education
He graduated from the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics of Chisinäu University in 1969. He worked in the laboratory of quantum chemistry at the Institute of Chemistry of the Academy of Sciences of the Moldova in the group of .I Bersuker (senior researcher). He defended his thesis on the topic "Magnetoacoustic Properties of Crystals with Cooperative Jan-Teller Effects" in 1976 under the guid- ance of .I B. Bersuker. He defended the dissertation of the doctor of physical and mathematical sciences on the subject "The cooperative Jan-Teller effect and its mani- festations in the acoustic, magnetic anddielectric properties ofcrystals" in 1984. Since 1991 - in the USA, he taught at Boston University, professor at Simmons College (Boston). The main works are in the field of the Jahn-Teller effect: revealed the conditions for the existence of an ordered state of crystals, the lattice of which con- sists of lahn - Teller centers, as well as the nature of their phase transitions. Co-author of publications: Women in Materials: a Collaborative Effort be- tween Simmons College and the Cornell Center for Materials Research (2006); Identification of aQuenching Speciesin Ruthenium Tris- Bipyridine Electroluminescent Devices (2006); Evolution of the Women in Materials Program: a Collaboration between Simmons College and the Cornell Center for Materials Research (2009); Degradation in iTMC OLEDs (2011), etc.
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