Rubin Udler
He worked as a teacher and then served as deputy director of the
Department of Foreign Languages at the Chernovtsi Pedagogical Institute. In 1956 he was admitted as a researcher at the Institute of History, Language and Literature of the Moldovan branch of the USSR Academy of Sciences. From 1961 to 1992 he headed the Department of Dialectology and Geography Linguistics of the Institute of Language and Literature ofthe Academy of Sciences of Moldova and from 1989 to 1992 he was Secretary ofthe Department of Humanities of the Academy of Sciences of Moldova.
Udler devoted his entire scientific activity to the dialectology of the Romanian dialect of Moldova, that during the Soviet regime was considered a separate language known as Moldovan. His research resulted in the publication of a monu- mental four-volume dialectological atlas of Moldovan during late 1960s and a series of subsequent articles and monographs on this topic. After 2001, he contributed to Atlasul linguistic român pe regiuni: Basarabia (' Romanian linguistic atlas by regions: Bessarabia"). Udler is the author of numerous publications on Romance philology. In 1992 he immigrated to the USA and settled in Pittsburgh, PA. In early 2000s he pub- lished in Russian, English and Romanian his memoirs about his experiences during the Holocaust: Years of Disaster: Memoirs of a Ghetto Prisoner (2003), Bloody years: Memories of a Holocaust survivor (2005), Ani de urgie ("Years of disasters, 2006).