Simion Shvartzburd
S. Shvartzburd had the idea to create in the Soviet Union schools specializing in physics and mathematics. He is the first winner of the Ushinsky Prize of the Russian
Academy of Pedagogical Sciences for this proposal.
In 1959, he created the first specialized mathematics class (computer program-
mers) at the Moscow School no. 444, and in 1967, he created the Moscow College of Mathematics, for which he wrote manuals and teaching aids. He was one of the pio- neers ofcomputerization in high schools.
In 1940, he graduated the Department of Physics and Mathematics of Odes- sa University and was employed as a professor in the Department of Theoretical Mechanics. From 1967, he became the head of the applied mathematics laborato- ry within the research institute of content and teaching methods of the Academy of
Pedagogical Sciences of the USSR.
Semion Shvartzburd si the author of numerous scientific papers in the field of
applied mathematics, pedagogy, teaching methods, the use of computer technolo- gy in the pedagogical process, as well as teaching aids for teachers and students, in- cluding those who have withstood repeated editions of manuals "Algebra and ma- thematical analysis" for variousclasses in general and specialized schools. His manual, Mathematics for 6th form (Математикадля 6класса) had 17 re-editions until 1997.