Efim Tkach
After graduating the high school in Bälti, he studied at the Pedagogical Insti- tute in Balti. In 1953, he graduated the orchestra faculty of the Chisinäu Conserva- tory, in the flute class, from 1949, he taught at the Eugen Coca Special Gymnasium School of Music in Chisinäu. He worked as a music editor for the publishers Molda- vian Book and Artistic Literature, as wel as for the Soviet Encyclopedia of Moldova, he was responsible for music at the State Philharmonic in Moldova and taught at the Gavriil Muzicescu Institute of Arts in Chisinau. He was member of the Union of Com- posers of Moldova. He is the author of numerous articles on the musical culture of
Moldova, the works of contemporary Moldovan composers, the general theory of mu- sic in Russian and Romanian, as well as the monographic books "A Manual on the
Elementary Theory of Music" (1957, 1961, 1964), Short Music Dictionary (1972), Ciprian Porumbescu: Exquisite Operas (1975); Timofei Gurtovoi (1975); Music of Socialist Moldova 1945-1970: Notography (1976); Eugen Doga (1980); Forerunners of
Romanian Music (1994); Anti-Judaism or the world in the cave (1998);
Together with the philologist Efim Levit and the poet Anatolie Gugel, he pre-
pared and published 4 volumes of documents related to the events of the Holocaust in
Moldova (four issues of theRussian-Romanian bilingual magazine "We will not forget! - Не забудем!").