Inga Dzektser
The daughter of Naum Dzektser. She has participated in music festivals in Spain, France, Holland, Finland, Portugal, UAE ("Abu Dhabi Classics"), Germany (the Festival "Kissinger Sommer" in Bad Kissingen), Italy (the International Chamber Music festivals in Fermo, Camerino, Tagliacozzo), and on the island of Elba (the fes- tival organized by Yuri Bashmet), and has given master classes and concerts in Japan, Korea, Portugal and the United States. She has played with many well-known musi- cians. Inga Dzektser is highly praised as an accompanist. In 2011 she received the prize as the best accompanist of the prestigious Tchaikovsky Competition. She has worked as an accompanist for the master class of the Berlin Philharmonic
Orchestra's quartet,for the Summer Music Academy"The International Holland Music Sessions" (violin classes of Pierre Amoyal, GyörgyPauk,Krzysztof Wegrzyn, Josef Rissin, Rudolf Koelman), and for the master class of the Gustav Mahler International Academy (viola classes of Wolfram Christ and Antoine Tamestit).
She is an official pianist of the Lipizer Competition in Gorizia (Italy), the International Violin Competition of David Oistrakh in Odessa (Russia), and the International Violin Competition ni Qingdao (China). Inga Dzektser has been ajury member of the 'European Music Prize for Youth in Linz (Austria), and is currently
teaching piano at the Saint Petersburg State Conservatory.