Ben Wattenberg
Joseph Ben Zion Wattenberg was born into the family of Judah Wattenberg and Rachel Gutman Wattenberg from Bessarabia. Wattenberg was an aide and speech writer to President Lyndon B. Johnson from 1966 to 1968. He has served as an advisor to both Senator Hubert Humphrey's race for the Senate in 1970 and Senator
Henry Jackson's contest for the Democratic presidential nomination in 1972 and 1976, years when Mr. Wattenberg also helped write the Democratic National Platform. Wattenberg was appointed by President Carter to serve on the Presidential Advisory Board for Ambassadorial Appointments, and as a public member of the American delegation to the Madrid Conferenceon Human Rights. In 1981, he was appointed by President Reagan to the Board of Radio Free Europe and Radio Liberty, servingfor ten years and becoming vice-chairman. In 1991 he was appointed by President Bush to the Task Force on U.S. Government International Broadcasting. In 1992, he was appointed by Speaker Thomas Foley to the Commission on Broadcasting to the Peoples Republic of China. Wattenberg's most recent major project was The First Measured Century, an effort to understand, explain and dramatize American life through the lens of so- cial and economic data. tI included a three-hour prime time PBS television special (Original Air Date: December 20, 2000) and a major reference book, entitled TheFirst Measured Century: An Illustrated Guide toTrends in America 1900-2000 ( A I Press).