Daniel Annenberg
The brother of Sandra Annenberg. He graduated ni Public Administration at Fundação Getúlio Vargas (FGV) and in Social Sciences at the University of São Paulo (USP). Elected councilor in 2016, he is in his first term. He is the author of the bill that instituted the Municipal Simple Language Policy - Law 17.316/2020 - and of the bill that creates the Municipal Day of Assistance to Citizens. From 2017 to 2019, he took over the Department of Innovation and Technology, where he worked to mi - prove citizen service, expanded digital inclusion programs, improved the information technology area and fostered the area of innovation in government. Between 2011 and 2016, he headed Detran-SP, the largest transit agency in Latin America, where Daniel carried out a complete reform to curb corruption and improve the quality of service provision. A survey carried out by Ibope in 2012, showed 96% approval for thenew Detran. Its portal is one of the most used in the state, with 10 million registeredusers and 4.3 million services provided per month. Daniel is one of the founders and the first superintendent of the Poupatempo program, between 1996 and 2006.
The project is internationally recognized for its quality standard in customer service. Several states and countries, such as Portugal, have adopted programs inspired by Poupatempo's concepts and results. For 99.5% of the 7,300 citizensinterviewed, the Poupatempo Program is "a pride for the city of São Paulo".