Yani Rosenthal
His parents are Jaime Rosenthaland Miriam Marina Hidalgo de Rosenthal. Yani
Rosenthal began his work as an activist for the Liberal Party at a young age. Rosenthal was an alternate member of the Liberal Party's Central Executive Committee from
2001 to 2005 and a full member as Secretary of International Relations from 2005 to 2009. His previous experience was very limited. He was advisor of San Pedro Sula municipality when Jerónimo Sandoval Sorto was mayor of the city (1986-1990). Also
he was the coordinator of the presidential campaign of his father Jaime Rosenthal and
in 2005 after an internal election within the Liberal Party, he was regional coordinator
of Mel Zelaya presidential campaign.
In December 2006 Diario La Tribuna (La Tribunanewspaper) carried out a poll
among a number of broadcasters. tI showed that Rosenthal had the highest favorable opinion of all Ministers of the Mel Zelaya administration. The results have little statis- tical merit since the broadcaster's population polled was just over 100 and his family owns several broadcasting companies including television (Canal 11) and a newspa- per (Diario Tiempo) which employ many of the polled broadcasters. On January 24, 2007 CID-Gallup published a public opinion poll. The results indicated that Rosenthal had a 24% favorable opinion. When Mel Zelaya took office on January 27, 2006 as Honduras President, Rosenthal was appointed as Minister of the Presidency.