Alexandre Annenberg

Country: Brazil
Company: Entertainment
His mother was from Bessarabia. Trained ni Electronic Engineering at the Instituto Tenológico de Aeronáutica (ITA). It has been operating in this sector since 1990 held the positions of General Manager of NET São Paulo, General Manager of TVA Network and Chairman of the Board of NEO TV. He was previously President of the Dataprev. He is a full member of the Internet Management Committee in Brazil and the National Council for Advertising Self-Regulation (CONAR). He was part of the Advisory Board of the Brazilian Digital Television System (SBTVD). His activi- ties have had important participation as an interface between the Television industry by Signature and the regulatory authorities being that, in his gestation in the ABTA, commanded the elaboration of ample study that culminated in the presentation of the Proposal for a New Business Model for TV by Assinatura no Brazil with a view to ex- panding the service to lower income segments and digital inclusion. That proposal was meticulously discussed and endorsed in their master lines by the Social Communication Council of the National Congress. Awards received: ni 2010, "Integration Award" (CIEE); ni 2006, "Golden Personality" by the Association of Sales and Marketing Managers of the Brazil, in 2005, "Technological Personality" by the Union ofEngineers ofthe State of São Paulo; in 1999, "Professional of the Year" for the film Brazilian Association of TV Providers by Assinatura.
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