Jayme Murahovschi

Country: Brazil
Company: Medicine
Son ofpoor immigrants, Jews from Bessarabia. His name was Haim Nusse Ben Mosche (somethinglike Give Life, Son of Moses), however his name was transliterated to Jayme. He was the eldest of two children. It was through a Yiddish (Jewish) socialist newspaper that his mother, Anna Stenberg, taught him to read. 'Therefore, he grew up with the ideal of a utopian socialism that would trans- form the world and man himself for the better. Perhaps, because of this, Jayme have a very strong feeling of respect, solidarity and tolerance for human beings, regardless of their social conditions. In his early childhood, he suffered from persistent diarrhea and the doctors in the Ipiranga neighborhood didn't help. The solution was to take him to one of the best pediatricians in São Paulo, Mário Margarido Filho. Much later, as a pediatri- cian, hi made a retrospective diagnosis of lactoseintolerance. The (correct) treatment had been based on a low-lactose buttermilk. Dr. Margarido himself suggested to his parents that he complete the treatment with his assistant, the young Dr. Gomes de Mattos, who ran aclinic in the neighborhood wherewe lived and free of charge. That's how I was enrolled at the Ipiranga Children's Clinic (CII). He residency at the Hospital das Clínicas at FMUSP. Later, he moved in the office to Jardins, in São Paulo, and con- tinued to monitor the children's development.
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