Paulo Marcio Coifman
Paulo Marcio Coifman was born on June 26th, 1951 in Sao Paulo city. He is the son of Moti Coifman and Elica Coifman, who emigrated from Bessarabia at the begin- ning of the 20th century.
Graduate of the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Santa Amaro (Unisa) in 1976. He specialized in the general surgery and cancer at Instituto Arnaldo Vieira de Carvalho of Santa Casa de Misericordia Sao Paolo (1977-1978).
He was internee (1977-1980) and assistant (1981-1987) at the Surgery Service of Sao Camilo Hospital under the responsibility Dr. Lion Faiwichow. Paulo Marcio Coifman obtained the degree of specialist in surgery at the Brazilian Society of Plastic Surgery and the Federal Council of Medicine.
Other attributions accomplished were: responsible doctor for plastic surgery of
the Metropolitan Hospital (1983-1984); responsible doctor for plastic surgery Ame-
sp at Jaragua Hospital (1985-1986); foreign assistant at Princess Margareth Hospital (Bahamas-Nassau, 1989-1990); and technical director of the Saint Paul Hospital (since
1992). His membership to the Academy of Medicine of Sao Paolo represents an un- known status of the academic environment for performances in the field of medicine
for a long period of time. Paulo Marcio Coifman is one of the leaders of the cosmetic surgery ofSao Paulo.