Roland Copé
He is the son of the generalist physician, Dr. Marcu Hirs Copelovici, who be- came Marcel Copé. His grandparents came from Bessarabia.
He became of the fist members of the French society of proctology, created by Alfred Bensuade and Jean Arnous in 1958. Since 1961 until 1974, he was doctor of the Red Cross. He was responsible for the creation of a proctology center at Goüin hospi- tal of Clichy; he became service chief in 1971. In 1984, he was appointed as professor at the College ofMedicine from thehospitals of Paris.
Roland Copé helped to raise the degree of awareness of proctology amongst surgeons and gastroenterologists and amongst generalist physicians and border spe- cialties, especially gynecologists and dermatologists. For this purpose, he participates in the didactic cycle of professors Hollender and Grenier of Strasbourg and in the didactic cycle of professor Sarles of Marseille. Roland Copé was one of the first proc- tologists that realized, together with Monique Copé, his wife, films on proctology in
educative purposes.
He filmed for television in the productions: Navarro (2006); Àla recherche du temps perdu (2010); Louis XVI, l'homme qui ne voulait pas être roi (2011); Louis XI, lepouvoir fracassé (2011); La Chartreuse de Parme (2011); Richelieu, la Pourpre et el Sang (2014); Monsieur Paul (2015); etc.