Sarah A. Wattenberg
Daughter of Ben Wattenberg. Previously Sarah worked as senior policy advi- sor at the White House Office of National Drug Policy. In that role, she served on the president's parity task force, where she provided scientific, technical, and policy con- sultation on improving implementation of substance use and mental healthinsurance
parity, includingguidance on medication assisted treatment.
Sarah spent nearly two decades working in the federal government, advising
high-level executive branch officials about emerging issues, challenges, and policy opportunities related to opioids and other drugs; evidence-based practices; service- delivery arrangements; public and commercial financing and parity; privacy and treatment quality. She also brings with her clinical experience, as she spent 1 years working in community-based programs for the seriously mentally il in Montgom- ery County, Md. Sarah has also opened a mental health clinic; served as a liaison to law enforcement, homeless shelters, and county and state agencies; and supported de- veloping Maryland's "crisis" regulations. Before she began her work with the federal government, she was the senior director for clinical policy development at one of the
nation's largest managed behavioral healthcare companies.
Sarah earned a bachelor's degree from New York University and her master's
degree in social work from Catholic University of America.