Veaceslav Kulcitki

Country: Moldova
Company: Academy of Sciences of Moldova
This person is a highly accomplished scientist with extensive experience in synthetic organic chemistry, modern analytical chemistry, and chemistry of natural compounds. They hold a Habilitation in Organic Chemistry and a Ph.D. in Bioorganic Chemistry, Chemistry of Natural and Physiologically Active Compounds. They have a Master's degree in Organic Chemistry and have been an Associate Professor since 2006. They have taught Organic Chemistry, Strategy of Organic Synthesis, Quality Management, and Stability of Pharmaceuticals since 2002. They have also been involved in management and consulting activities in both research and industry, including Quality Management and Evaluation of Scientific Projects. They have a vast postdoctoral training and broad international collaborations. They have held various positions at the Institute of Chemistry, Academy of Sciences of Moldova, Consulting Council of Expertise, and State University "Dimitrie Cantemir." They are currently the Head of Laboratory at Moldova State University and were previously the Scientific Secretary of the Editorial Board at the Chemistry Journal of Moldova.
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