Balaur Nicolae

Country: Moldova
Company: Biochemistry
Balaur Nicolae a world-class school in chemistry of coordinative, macrocyclic and supramolecular compounds. His discoveries (a whole series of legitimacies in coordinative chemistry) are known far from the country's borders and have been widely implemented in the national economy, and his disciples work both in the profile departments of universities in the Republic of Moldova and in different countries. world: USA, Canada, France, England, Switzerland.He was a corresponding member (1993), then a full member (1995) of the Academy of Sciences of Moldova. He was also a member of the European Council for Mass Spectrometry, a member of the European Euroscience Association, a member of the Directorate of the International Union of Crystallographers. His name was perpetuated by the inauguration of commemorative plaques placed on the facade of the building of the Institute of Chemistry of the ASM (2009), on the facade of the house where he lived (2010) and by establishing a scholarship for the best doctoral chemist - Academician Nicolae Gărbălău Scholarship (2010).