Igor Serotila
I Am Future Foundation
Igor Serotila is an attorney and academic from Moldova. He is associated with the American University of Moldova and the Legal Research Institute of the Romanian Academy, where he focuses his research efforts on the intersection and intricacies of human rights, science, technology and innovation. He graduated in public law at the State University of Moldova, where he was also awarded his L.L.M. in international law.
In his professional career, while in public office, he has accumulated extensive knowledge on the structure and processes that are undergoing in the educational, scientific, innovational and cultural domains, as well as the legal framework that supports it. At the Academy of Sciences of Moldova, he helped shape the research and innovation policy of Moldova and contributed to the integration of the Moldovan research community into the European Research Area. He established himself as a legal professional while offering counsel within the Parliament of the Republic of Moldova, as well as in the private sector. Having an extensive legal background in science and innovation, in his work, he addresses challenges related to emergence of new rights, digital and technological implications onto international and European law, constitutional frameworks, as well as the realization of the aforementioned in legal practice.
He has participated in several Moldovan national projects, as well international, within the EU Horizon 2020 Programme. Currently, he is the official representative of Moldova in the Strategic Configuration Programme Committee of Horizon Europe. He is a member of the European COST Action CA19143, Global Digital Human Rights Network and COST Action CA20131, Efficient Justice for All: Improving Court Efficiency through EU Benchmarking, under the auspices of the European Cooperation in Science and Technology (COST). He is also a member of the Research Committee of the European Young Bar Association and the UK Society for Computers and Law.
For his efforts and innovative approaches in his research he was awarded the scholarship of the World Federation of Scientists in 2017, as well as the Grand Prize of the 14th International Conference on Management of Science and Engineering Management in 2020.