Franco Cortese

Country: Switzerland
Company: Longevity International
One of five co-authors behind the proposal that led to the World Health Organization's addition of a new extension code for aging-related diseases (XT9T) during ICD-11: Co-author of various scientific papers on aging, longevity and gerontology in Scientific Reports (Nature Publishing Group), Experimental Gerontology, Aging, The Journals of Gerontology Series A: Biological Sciences and Medical Sciences (Oxford Academic), Sleep (Oxford Academic), Human Gene Therapy, Frontiers in Genetics, Rejuvenation Research, Oncotarget, Translational Neurodegeneration. Director at Aging Analytics Agency. Partner at Longevity Capital. Francesco Albert Bosco Cortese is a Futurist, Scientist & Philosopher. He is an Affiliate Scholar of the IEET, and won our #1 Editor’s Choice Award for articles published by the IEET in 2013. His positions and affiliations include Research Scientist at ELPIs Foundation for Indefinite Lifespans, Assistant Editor of Ria University Press, Chief Operating Officer at the Center for Interdisciplinary Philosophic Studies, International Coordinator at Cryonics Switzerland, Ambassador at The Seasteading Institute, Fellow & Secretary of Brighter Brains Institute, a Member of Lifeboat Foundation’s Life Extension Advisory Board and Futurists Advisory Board, a Reviewer for the Global Futures Intelligence System at The Millennium Project, Activist at the International Longevity Alliance, Co-Founder of the Canadian Longevity Alliance, a Columnist for H+ Magazine and Longecity and Editor of the essay compendium Longevitize!: Essays on the Science, Philosophy & Politics of Longevity. Also Head of Policy and Communications at Biogerontology Research Foundation.
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