Alexandru VOLOC

Country: Moldova
"Jeanne Ebori" University Hospital Center for Mother and Child, "Nicolae Testemitanu" State University of Medicine and Pharmacy Institute of Mother and Child Doctoral Department, Civil Hospital of Tiaret, District hospital, Tyrnova village, Donduseni District Central Hospital, Government of the United States of America, Institute of Child and Mother Health, Institute of Mother and Child, International Center for Children and Families, Kyiv Physician Development Institute, Ministry of Health of Kyrgyzstan, Bishkek [05-19-1998 - 05-22-1998], Ministry of Health of Moldova, Moldova Department of Pediatrics - Semiology - Childcare, State University of Medicine and Pharmacology “N. Testemiţanu”, Municipal Children's Hospital Nr. 1, Municipal Children's Hospital nr. 1, Municipal clinical hospital nr. 1, Regional Hospital of Saurimo, Robert Debré Hospital, State Institute for continuous medical education, Department of Pediatrics Nr. 1, State Institute of Medicine and Pharmacy, State Medical and Pharmaceutical University of Moldova “Nicolae Testemitanu”,, THE 22ND INTERNATIONAL EXHIBITION OF INVENTICS INVENTICA 2018 ISSN:1844-7880, Universitatea de Stat de Medicină şi Farmacie Nicolae Testemiţanu, VAMED Management und Service GmbH & Co KG, WHO, WHO European Regional Office,, WHO European Regional Office, Alma-Ata, Kazakhstan [26-10-1998 - 06-11-1998], WHO European Regional office
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