Ana Țiganaș

Country: Moldova
Ana Țiganaș is a distinguished academic at Tiraspol State University in Moldova, where she is deeply involved in both teaching and research. With a focus on scientific studies, Ana has made notable contributions to the academic community, evidenced by her H-index of 1 in the AD Scientific Index 2024. Her work primarily revolves around the National Agency for Improving and Reproduction and the Academy of Sciences of Moldova Garden, highlighting her commitment to advancing scientific knowledge and applications.Ana's academic journey is marked by a passion for learning and an unwavering dedication to her field. Her analytical skills and curiosity drive her to explore new concepts and ideas, enriching her teaching methods and research projects. This dedication not only enhances her professional development but also significantly impacts her students and colleagues.In addition to her academic roles, Ana is recognized in various articles and websites, underscoring her influence and expertise in her field. Her email,, serves as a point of contact for academic collaborations and inquiries.Overall, Ana Țiganaș is a committed educator and researcher, whose work at Tiraspol State University and beyond continues to inspire and contribute to the broader scientific community in Moldova.