Anatol Casian

Country: Moldova
Anatol Casian was a distinguished Moldovan academician, professor, and expert in solid-state physics, renowned for his significant contributions to the field of thermoelectric materials. As the head of a laboratory at the Technical University of Moldova, Casian specialized in the modeling of nano-structured and low-dimensional materials, pushing the boundaries of material science and its applications in modern technology.Throughout his illustrious career, Casian was an active member of the International Thermoelectric Academy and was honored at the 27th International Forum on Thermoelectricity in Belfast for his groundbreaking work. His research not only advanced the understanding of thermoelectric materials but also contributed to their practical applications, influencing energy conversion technologies globally.Casian's commitment to education and research left a lasting impact on the Technical University of Moldova and the scientific community at large. His legacy continues to inspire students and researchers in the field of physics and engineering. Anatol Casian passed away in 2020, leaving behind a legacy of innovation and excellence in the scientific community. His work remains a testament to his dedication to advancing knowledge and technology in Moldova and beyond.