Boris Boincean Борис Боинчан

Country: Moldova
Boris Boincean, born on November 23, 1954, in Vancicauti, Ukraine, is a distinguished Moldovan research professor and doctor habilitate of agricultural sciences. He serves as a professor at Alecu Russo Balti State University and leads the Department of Sustainable Farming Systems at Selectia Research Institute of Field Crops. Renowned for his commitment to sustainable agriculture, Boincean focuses his research on agroecology, soil organic matter, and the impacts of agriculture on climate change.Throughout his career, Boincean has been a vocal advocate for ecological farming practices, aiming to balance productivity with environmental preservation. His extensive body of work includes numerous articles and studies, which he has presented at both national and international scientific forums. His expertise and dedication to his field have earned him a recent election as a corresponding member of the Academy of Sciences of Moldova.Boincean's contributions to sustainable agriculture are not only academic but also practical, influencing farming policies and practices in Moldova and beyond. His leadership at the Selectia Research Institute underscores his influence in shaping agricultural strategies that are both productive and sustainable. Through his work, Boincean continues to inspire a new generation of scientists and farmers to adopt practices that safeguard the environment while enhancing food security.
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