Chiriac Tatiana

Country: Moldova
Chiriac Tatiana is an esteemed Associate Professor and Ph.D. holder, specializing in microbiology and biotechnology. She is currently a Leading Researcher at the Phycobiotechnology Lab and manages Innovation and Technological Transfer at the Institute of Microbiology and Biotechnology of the Academy of Sciences of Moldova. With a profound academic background from the State University of Moldova and Chişinău State Pedagogical University Ion Creangă, Tatiana completed her Ph.D. in 2003, focusing on the biotechnology of spirulina cultivation and the production of zinc-containing biopreparations.Her career is marked by significant contributions to the field of phycobiotechnology, where she has dedicated her research to exploring and innovating in the cultivation and application of microalgae. Tatiana's role also extends to fostering technological advancements and facilitating the transfer of new technologies from the lab to practical use, enhancing the institute's impact on both national and international levels.Tatiana's professional journey is highlighted by her commitment to research excellence and her pivotal role in bridging scientific research with practical applications, making substantial strides in the biotechnological landscape of Moldova. Her work not only advances scientific understanding but also contributes to the sustainable development and technological progress of her country.
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