Curaxina Svetlana

Country: Moldova
Curaxina Svetlana is a distinguished Associate Professor at Comrat State University in Moldova, holding a PhD with a specialization in state policy development for innovation-oriented SMEs. Her academic pursuits are deeply rooted in enhancing marketing strategies within the wine tourism sector and advancing government support for innovation. Svetlana's expertise also extends to crafting management strategies and policies that bolster the growth and efficiency of enterprises.Throughout her career, Svetlana has made significant contributions to her field, evidenced by her numerous publications and presentations at international conferences. Her work not only enriches academic understanding but also directly impacts regional economic development strategies. She is a recognized figure in her domain, contributing to the AD Scientific Index 2024, which underscores her influence and standing in the academic community.Svetlana's commitment to research and development is paralleled by her dedication to teaching and mentoring the next generation of leaders in business and innovation. Her office is located at 17 Galatsana Street, Comrat, where she continues to inspire and lead academic and practical initiatives. Contact her at +373 298 23980 or via email at for collaboration or consultation in her areas of expertise.