Felicia Pascaluta

Country: Moldova
Felicia Pascaluta is a distinguished Doctor of Law and a dedicated lecturer at Moldova State University. Born on April 22, 1979, in Albinețul Vechi, Moldova, she has carved a niche in the fields of private law, labor law, and occupational health and safety. Her scholarly contributions include several influential publications that address critical legal issues surrounding employee protection measures, reflecting her deep commitment to labor rights and workplace safety.As an active member of the National Bar Association of Moldova, Pascaluta not only contributes to academia but also practices law in Chisinau, where she applies her extensive legal knowledge to real-world cases. Her professional network is evident from her presence on LinkedIn, where she connects with other legal professionals, and her engagement on Facebook, which serves as a platform for broader social interaction and professional visibility.Pascaluta's dual role as an educator and practicing lawyer highlights her multifaceted expertise and her dedication to fostering legal acumen among upcoming lawyers at Moldova State University. Her work not only enriches her students but also significantly impacts Moldovan legal practices, particularly in enhancing employee rights and safety standards. Through her academic and professional endeavors, Felicia Pascaluta stands as a pivotal figure in Moldova's legal landscape, championing the integration of rigorous legal scholarship with practical application.
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