Galina Dragalina

Country: Moldova
Dr. Galina Dragalina is a distinguished associate professor at the Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Technology at Moldova State University. With a robust focus on organic chemistry, she has significantly contributed to the academic and scientific community through her research and publications. Dr. Dragalina has been cited 97 times on Google Scholar, underscoring her influence and expertise in her field.Her scholarly work includes notable contributions to the synthesis and characterization of composite thin films and photovoltaic devices, highlighting her role in advancing materials science. Dr. Dragalina's academic rigor is further demonstrated by her involvement as an official referee for doctoral theses, where she has guided emerging scientists in their research endeavors.In 2013, she co-authored a chemistry manual that was officially approved by the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Moldova, marking a significant achievement in her career and contributing to the national educational curriculum. This manual has become a cornerstone resource in chemistry education across Moldova.Dr. Dragalina's professional email is, and she continues to serve at Moldova State University, where she shapes the minds of future chemists and researchers. Her work not only enriches her students but also contributes to the global scientific community, making her a pivotal figure in her field.