Nguyen Hong Quang

Country: Moldova
Director of the Institute for Scientific Information, Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology (ISI, VAST), term: 7/2013 - 3/2019 Deputy Director of the International Cooperation Department, Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology (ICD, VAST), term: 2011 - 2013 Deputy Director of Hanoi Institute of Physics, Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology (IOP, VAST), terms: 2003 - 2008, 2008 - 2011 Director of the Center for Theoretical Physics, (IOP, VAST), terms: 2003 - 2008, 2008 - 2011 Director of the Center for Computational Physics, (IOP, VAST), term: 2009 - 2010 Head of Laboratory of Modeling and Computational Physics, (IOP, VAST), term: 2003 - 2007 Head of Modeling and Computational Physics Group, (IOP, VAST), term: 2000 - 2003 Activities