Aliona Melentieva

Country: Moldova
Aliona Melentieva is a distinguished lecturer and university assistant at the Free International University of Moldova (ULIM), where she specializes in forensic psychology and social psychology. Her academic focus is on the psycho-emotional characteristics of legal professionals and the advancement of forensic psychological expertise in Moldova. Aliona's work extends to practical applications, including crime scene assessments and exploring the societal perceptions of forensic psychology.Holding a master's degree in psychology, Aliona is an active contributor to her field, having published several insightful articles. Her research and expertise make her a valued member of both the ResearchGate and LinkedIn professional communities, where she engages with fellow academics and professionals globally.At ULIM, a hub for students and faculty from around the world, Aliona thrives in a multicultural and dynamic academic environment. Her commitment to her discipline is evident in her dedication to educating the next generation of psychologists and her ongoing research endeavors. Aliona's work not only enhances the academic community at ULIM but also contributes significantly to the broader field of psychology in Moldova. Her professional email is, and more about her professional journey can be found on her LinkedIn profile.
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