Ecaterina Foghel

Country: Moldova
Ecaterina Foghel is a distinguished teacher and acquisition editor at OmniScriptum Publishing Group in Moldova, with a profound background in French Linguistics. She holds a Ph.D. from Alecu Russo Balti State University, where she is also a doctoral candidate, furthering her research in linguistics and philosophy of language. Ecaterina has authored several publications indexed in WoS, showcasing her expertise in French linguistics and conceptology.With over 16 years of experience spanning culture, education, media, communications, and research, Ecaterina has developed a deep understanding of these sectors in Moldova. Her work not only reflects her academic prowess but also her commitment to advancing knowledge and education in her field. Ecaterina's professional journey is marked by her dedication to both teaching and enhancing the academic community through thoughtful editorial work and impactful research.Ecaterina is actively involved in the academic community, contributing to the AD Scientific Index 2024, and maintains a presence on social media to engage with peers and the public. Her dedication to her field and her role in shaping future scholars and professionals highlight her as a key figure in Moldovan academia and beyond.