Fabiane Athayde
Universidade Estadual de Campinas
Biomedical Geneticist and Embryologist graduated from UFCSPA. Teaching, Research and Extension Support Professional in the Pathology laboratory at FOP/UNICAMP, responsible for carrying out tasks involving the routine of the histopathology service (macroscopy, inclusion, sections, histochemical staining, scanning/scanning of slides and immunohistochemistry techniques, in situ hybridization and FISH) and for laboratory management (file management, equipment maintenance, purchases and preparation of solutions). Extensive experience in molecular biology laboratories (HCPA, UFRGS and UFCSPA) where she also carried out her thesis "Analysis of miR-122 as a possible biomarker for the prognosis of hereditary hemochromatosis". Fabiane did an internship at the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology, working at the Dmitry Rogachev National Research Center of Pediatric Hematology, Oncology and Immunology, where she were trained in R language and other bioinformatics tools by the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology.