Adriana Eufrosina Bora

Country: Australia
Project Lead - AIMS (AI against Modern Slavery) Queensland University of Technology Adriana Bora is a PhD Candidate in the School of Mathematical Sciences at the Queensland University of Technology, and the Project Lead of Project AIMS (AI against Modern Slavery) developed now at Mila, AI for Humanity. Adriana is listed as one of the 20 Rising Stars in AI Ethics 2022 and won the UNESCO International Research Centre in Artificial Intelligence (IRCAI)s AI Award 2021 for her efforts to develop AI solutions to combat modern slavery, contributing to SDG 8, Target 8.7. Her research focuses on applying machine learning in analysing and benchmarking the businesses reports published following the Modern Slavery Acts from the UK and Australia. Throughout her membership and involvement in Code 8.7, DataJam, Traffick Analysis Hub and the MIT Computational Law Report Task Force on Modern Slavery, she has been working and connecting an interdisciplinary, global community, collaborating in the fight against modern slavery with technological-driven solutions. Adriana is also the Queensland Community Lead of Women in AI (WAI) Australia, working towards increasing female representation and participation in AI. Adriana holds a Masters Degree in International Public Management from Sciences Po Paris School of International Affairs (PSIA). She has also studied at the University of Hong Kong and holds a diploma in International Relations and Advanced Quantitative Methods from the University of Essex.