E. Pasero

Country: Italy
Eros Pasero received the Dott. Ing. degree in electronic engineering from the Polytechnic of Turin in 1980, Fellow of research at the Electronic Department from 1980 to 1987 he joined the II University of Roma from 1987 to 1991 as Professor of Electronics. Since 1991 he is Professor of Electronics at the Politecnico of Turin. His research interests include Artificial Neural Networks, Smart Sensors, Wireless Sensor, Networks, Neuromorphic Neural Networks, Memristors. Research activities are carried out both at academic and industrial level.Co-founder of SIREN, the Italian Society for Neural Networks, Italian member of SIRWEC (Standing International Road Weather Commission), General Chairman of IJCNN2000, the world conference on Artificial Neural Networks, General Chairman of SIRWEC 2006, the world conference on Winter Road Maintenance, workshop chairman at NIPS, Keystone, CO, in 1991, Prof. Pasero is also in the advisory board of several conferences and journals.His scientific activities were awa
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