Eric Griffith

Country: USA
Eric Griffith has been writing about computers, the internet, and technology professionally for 30 years, more than half of that time with PCMag. He was previously on the founding staff of publications like Windows Sources, FamilyPC, and Access Internet Magazine, all of which are now defunct, and it's not his fault. He spent six years writing exclusively about Wi-Fi, but don't ask him to fix your router. At PCMag he runs several special projects including the Readers' Choice and Business Choice surveys, and yearly coverage of the Fastest ISPs and Best Gaming ISPs, plus regularly writes features on all tech topics. He's the author of two novels: BETA TEST (an unusually lighthearted apocalyptic tale according to Publishers' Weekly) and KALI: THE GHOSTING OF SEPULCHER BAY, which you can still get as ebooks. He works from his home in Ithaca, NY, and did it long before pandemics made it cool.
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