Hui Cheng

Country: China
Head of JDX Silicon Valley Research Center JD.COM Head of JDX Silicon Valley Research Center Dr. Hui Cheng is the Head of JD.coms JD-X Silicon Valley Research Center and the Head of Silicon Valley Innovation Center, where he leads teams working on technologies that will revolutionize E-commerce and Logistics. JD-X is developing autonomous ground delivery vehicles, delivery drones and warehouse robotic systems, all powered by artificial intelligence, advanced robotics and computer vision. Dr. Cheng also serves on the board of directors of a high-flying AI and robotics startup company. Prior to JD, Dr. Cheng was Senior Research AI Industry Executives of Amazon Go where the new grab-and-go shopping experience was first developed. He was also the Program Director and head of the Cognitive and Adaptive Vision System Group at SRI International where he led more than 30 client-sponsored R&D programs in many areas including social medial analysis, video understanding, cloud-based Big Data analysis, AR/VR, mobile authentication, mobile activity understanding, media forensic, etc. Dr. Cheng received his Ph.D degree from Purdue University. He has more than 60 publications and holds more than 30 patents.
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