Kevin Leyton-Brown

Country: Canada
Kevin Leyton-Brown is a professor of computer science at the University of British Columbia and a Canada CIFAR AI Chair, Amii. He holds a PhD and M.Sc. from Stanford University (2003; 2001) and a B.Sc. from McMaster University (1998). He studies the intersection of computer science and microeconomics, addressing computational problems in economic contexts and incentive issues in multiagent systems. He also applies machine learning to the automated design and analysis of algorithms for solving hard computational problems. He has co-written two books, Multiagent Systems and Essentials of Game Theory, and over ninety peer-refereed technical articles. He and his coauthors have received paper awards from JAIR, ACM-EC, AAMAS and LION, and numerous medals for the portfolio-based SAT solver SATzilla at international SAT competitions (2003-12). He was program chair for the ACM Conference on Electronic Commerce (ACM-EC) in 2012, and serves as an associate editor for the Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research (
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