Mark Harman

Prof. Mark Harman is a British computer scientist. Since 2010, he has been a professor at University College London (UCL) and since 2017 he has been at Facebook London. He was founder of the Centre for Research on Evolution Search and Testing (CREST) initially at King's College London in 2006, latterly at UCL, and was the Director until 2017. Harman has received both of the major research awards for software engineering (both awarded in 2019): the IEEE Harlan D. Mills Award, for fundamental contributions throughout software engineering, including seminal contributions in establishing search-based software engineering, reigniting research in slicing and testing, and founding genetic improvement; and the ACM SIGSOFT Outstanding Research Award Harman studied software engineering at Imperial College, London between 1984–88. He has previously worked at the Polytechnic of North London (1988–91), University of North London (1991–97), where he was latterly Head of Computing, Goldsmiths Colle
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