Kyle Lafata

Country: USA
Company: Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard
Thaddeus V. Samulski is Assistant Professor at Duke University, where he holds positions in the Departments of Radiation Oncology, Radiology, Medical Physics, and Electrical & Computer Engineering. He obtained his PhD in Medical Physics in 2018 and subsequently pursued postdoctoral training in the Big Data Scientist Training Enhancement Program at the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs. Thaddeus's expertise lies in imaging science, digital pathology, computer vision, biophysics, and applied mathematics, and he is particularly known for his work on stochastic modeling, self-organization, and quantum machine learning applied to image analysis. His research laboratory is dedicated to the theory, development, and application of multiscale computational biomarkers, investigating imaging phenotypes across different length and time scales to gain deeper insights into diseases and their responses to treatments.
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