Stéphanie Descroix

Country: France
Company: Institut Curie
Stéphanie Descroix is a distinguished researcher leading the MMBM team at Institut Curie Paris and Institut Pierre Gilles De Gennes, focusing on innovative microfluidic applications in biology, biophysics, and clinical contexts. Her role as CNRS Research Director and expertise in microfluidic development for biomedical and biophysical purposes, particularly in the realm of Organ-on-Chip technologies, showcase her impactful contributions. Descroix co-founded the Institut Pierre Gilles De Gennes for Microfluidics and plays a crucial role in the French national network on Microfluidics. Her work includes pioneering a gut-on-a-chip model that merges epithelial and stromal elements to explore interactions within the intestinal epithelium.
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