Itamar Raz

Country: Israel
Company: DMC - Diabetes Medical Center
Prof. Itamar Raz holds an MD from Hadassah Medical School at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem where he is a professor of Internal Medicine and the Director Emeritus of the Diabetes Unit at Hadassah University Hospital. He is an endocrinologist and President of the International Diabetes Federation (IDF). Prof. Raz is the head of the Israel National Council of Diabetes which is responsible for formulating national policies. In addition, Prof. Raz is President of D-Cure, a non-profit organization that promotes and funds scientific research in Israel for finding a cure, prevention and better treatments for diabetes. At Hadassah, Prof. Raz has been active in basic and clinical research and is currently leading several large international outcome diabetes studies involving the heart and kidney in diabetic patients.
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